Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween - 10/31/06

Jim and I acted like complete fools pretending to be obnoxious, wealthy brothers from the UK. Great times. Pictures can be found at http://alpinenapping.com/main.php/v/seattle/2006/halloween-10_31_06/

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Tooth Attempt - 10/21/06

Lauren and I attempted to climb the tooth, but only made it up half way. Pictures can be found at http://alpinenapping.com/main.php/v/mountains/2006/tooth-10_21_06/

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Ingalls Lake - 10/07/06

Lauren and I hiked to Ingalls Lake to see the golden larches. Pictures can be found at http://alpinenapping.com/main.php/v/mountains/2006/ingalls-10_07_06/