Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kendall Peaks Lake BC Ski - 12/28/08

Jim, Katie, Bandit and I headed up in the snow to Kendall Peak Lakes. Katie and I had a good laugh at Jim while he dug a pit in the middle of the lake. Pictures can be found at

Monday, December 22, 2008

Discovery Park BC Ski - 12/22/08

Matt and I took advantage of our final day off from work due to the snow storm and toured from Ballard to Discovery Park and back. It was such a beautiful day and the best of my three Seattle ski tours. We were able to ski all the way down to the beach, to the lighthouse, and even had one ski on snow and the other ski on the sand. Great times. Pictures can be found at

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Phinney to Sea BC Ski - 12/21/08

Ralph, Betsy, Yaniv, Matt, Emily, Jim, Jessica, Kate, and I took advantage of another day off from work to enjoy more of the great Seattle powder. We left Matt and Emily's place and climbed up to the top of Phinney Ridge on 65th, collecting some great hot cocoa along the way from some neighborhood stand and descended down the east side of the ridge. We then reclimbed up Phinney Ridge and descended back to Ballard. Except now we toured all the way to Golden Gardens to complete the Phinney to Sea tour. Once we were sufficiently soaked, we toured along Market Avenue back home. Great times enjoying the rare Seattle snow. Pictures can be found at

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Greenlake Circumnavigation BC Ski - 12/18/08

I took advantage of my day off from work due to the huge Seattle snowstorm and did a ski tour from Ballard around Greenlake and back to Ballard. I met up with John and Ben half way around the lake. It was great to tour the city on skis. Pictures can be found at

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bullion Basin BC Ski - 12/14/08

Matt, Emily, Jim, Adam, and I went up to Crystal to ski in Bullion Basin. We found some of the coldest conditions I have ever went skiing in. After a few seconds of exposure on the ridge, you were instantly shaking. Due to the very cold temperatures and high winds, our day was cut short. Pictures can be found at